Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: Jul 12, 2022     Views: 2263

It's one of the pitfalls of searching the open web: You will often come across an interesting article or book on a publisher's website, where they will want you to pay to view the full text.

To avoid encountering this, we recommend that you start your searches in the APUS Library. In our databases, you can limit your search to full text, and every article in your search results will be immediately available to read, print or download -- at no charge to you. If you're not sure what database to use, try browsing our databases by subject.

If you've already found that perfect article or book outside of the library's databases (e.g. via a Google search), and it comes with a hefty price tag: Stop! And try these steps to see if our library has a copy in one of our databases:

If we don't have the article or book that you need, you're welcome to submit an interlibrary loan request.


Also, did you know? You can set up Google Scholar to show what is available in full text from the APUS Library!


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