Due to publisher restrictions, not all of the articles in our library's databases are available as full text, although many are.
To ensure that your search results contain only full-text articles, use the database's limiting options. Each database will look a bit different. Below are instructions for a few of our most popular ones:
In Primo (the "Everything" search on the library's homepage), look for the Available online filter on the left side of your search results. To keep this filter in place for the duration of your session, see instructions here.
In EBSCO databases, the default is set to full text. Look for the "Full text" check box under the search box, and make certain that it is checked before you search.
Click to view larger image of EBSCO full text limit.
ProQuest databases also default to full text. Look for the "Full text" check box beneath the search box and make certain that it is checked before you search.
Click to view larger image of ProQuest full text limit.
In other databases, you will need to be sure that you are searching "subscribed journals" or "available journals" only. See instructions for: