Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: Oct 02, 2023     Views: 11822

See a video tutorial! Finding Scholarly Resources Using Google Scholar   Video

Note: Items that do not have a full text link next to them in Google Scholar may require payment to access the full-text. We don't want you to pay for your research materials. Learn how to submit an interlibrary loan request for items that are not in our library.


The APUS Trefry Library is registered with Google Scholar to provide you quick full-text access to the items that the library already subscribes to. To see full text links from our library in your Google Scholar searches, follow the instructions below:

1.  Before conducting your search, click the menu icon in the top left corner of the Google Scholar homepage.

2.  Click "Settings"

Google Scholar menu icon

3.  Click "Library links".

4.  Type “American Public University System” in the search box and click “search.” American Public University System – Full-Text @ APUS will appear in the list below. Place a check mark in the box just next to this and click “save.”

Google Scholar Settings - Library links


5.  Conduct your search.

6.  Your results will now show “Full-Text @ APUS” links for each item that is included in our library's subscriptions. Click the link and enter your student ID and password to access the article.



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