Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: May 15, 2023     Views: 161295

There are several ways to find scholarly sources in the APUS Library:

Primo makes it easy to limit your search to peer reviewed articles.

After you launch your Primo search, look on the left side of your results screen for the list of filters.  Beneath "Availability", click Peer-reviewed Journals.  Beneath "Resource Type, click Articles.  To keep  filters in place for the duration of your session, see instructions here.


You can limit your searches to peer reviewed and scholarly articles in many of the library's individual databases, too.

  • EBSCO and ProQuest each have a peer reviewed option below the search box (see them pictured below).  
  • Other databases, like PsycARTICLES, ScienceDirect and Sage Criminology, automatically search only peer-reviewed journals -- so all you have to do is start searching. 

click images to view larger

EBSCO limiting options       ProQuest's peer-review limiting option

Google Scholar searches a massive range of scholarly publications (read more about it here).   Just remember that not everything that you find there will be freely available, so be sure to set it up to recognize our library's subscriptions!

click to view larger

Google Scholar search box



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