Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: Nov 06, 2023     Views: 9878

There is no standard template for research papers at AMU or APU. When writing, you will rely on your degree program’s preferred style guide to help you format the body of your text: margins, headings, page numbers, references page, citations, etc. 

Graduate students will also refer to the End of Program Assessment Manual for formatting specifics (see more information below).

Here are some helpful links to formatting recommendations for each style guide used at APUS:






  • Turabian is based on the Chicago Manual of Style, so you can feel confident in referring to it for format guidelines. If you have the hard copy of Turabian, look at Appendixes A.1 General Format Requirements and A.2 Format Requirements for Specific Elements.

Graduate students:

If you are working on a research project proposal or thesis, the End of Program Assessment Manual for Graduate Studies (EOP Manual) will guide you in formatting aspects of your paper that may not be specified in your style guide. The current EOP Manual can be downloaded here.

  • Chapter I:      Scholarly Research, Copyright, and Ethical Conduct
  • Chapter II:     Responsible Conduct of Research
  • Chapter III:    Master's Comprehensive Examination
  • Chapter IV:   Master's Capstone: Thesis Option
  • Chapter V:    Masters Capstone:  Creative/Applied Project
  • Chapter VI:   Master's Capstone:  Practicum & Critical Reflection Paper
  • Chapter VII:  Master's Capstone:  Portfolio & Critical Reflection Paper
  • Chapter VIII: Program Director Role in the End of Program Assessment
  • Chapter IX:   Faculty Role in the End of Program Assessment
  • Chapter X:   University Declarations and Archiving
  • Appendix 1:  (p. 42) Sample of Title / Cover Page
  • Appendix 2:   Sample of Copyright Page
  • Appendix 3:   Sample of Dedication Page (Optional)
  • Appendix 4:   Sample of Acknowledgements Page (Optional)
  • Appendix 5:   Sample of the Abstract
  • Appendix 6:   Sample of the Table of Contents
  • Appendix 7:   Sample of List of Tables
  • Appendix 8:   Sample of List of Figures
  • Appendix 9:   Sample of Permission to Quote or Reproduce Copyrighted Material Letter
  • Appendix 10: Sample of IRB Approval Letter

If you have any questions about the policies or information provided in the EOP Manual, contact

See also:


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