Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: Jun 02, 2023     Views: 12664

For detailed feedback and assistance from a writing tutor, try the™ proofreading and review services.

For a quick grammar and spelling check, use Microsoft Word's spelling and grammar feature.  It can also be helpful to listen to your Word document...sometimes errors are more obvious when you hear them.

There are also a few other free online grammar checkers:

Want to learn more?

For grammar and punctuation help resources, click here.

To learn how to proofread and revise your own work, explore Writing@APUS  (see The Final Product).


See also:  How can I check my paper for plagiarism before submitting it to my instructor?

bibliography, citation, citations, English, ENGL, ENG, thesis, capstone, proposal, dissertation



writing tutor

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