Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: Jul 22, 2022     Views: 4852

First, check your course syllabus and lessons (both are linked on the left side of your online classroom). Your instructor may have provided citations for your required readings in one or both of those places. 

If you need to create a citation from scratch, use your style guide to help you.

Each style guide has a section titled "Citation Examples."  Click the type of source you'll be citing to see examples of proper citations.  For instance, if you need to cite a:

  • Lesson or lecture in your classroom: use the COURSE NOTES & LECTURES examples
  • Textbook or book chapter: use the BOOKS & BOOKS-ELECTRONIC examples
  • Article from a journal: use the JOURNAL ARTICLES examples
  • Website or web page: use the WEBSITES & BLOGS examples
  • Video: use the VIDEO RECORDINGS & PODCASTS examples

Types of citation examples


These tips may help you find all of the information you need to craft your citations:


See also:

realizit d2l myclassroom  cite citations classroom readings  course lessons


writing tutor

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