Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: Nov 25, 2024     Views: 2044

NOTE:  If you need a lot of articles, it's best to use the article databases for your topic, rather than searching one journal at a time.  Click here to learn the best way to search for articles in our library.

To browse journals and other periodicals by subject, follow these steps:

1.  Find the big search box on the library's homepage

2. Select the Journal Titles tab.

3. Type in a word or two to describe the subject you need.  For example, if you need communications journals, type communications.  

4. Click the search button. Your results will open in a new window

5. Browse the journals in the results.  You can open a journal by clicking its title, then selecting a link under "View Online."  You will be able to search within that journal by keyword, or browse by year (volume) and issue. 

Note:  You can also use the subject list on the left side of the results screen to browse journals by subject.   Click the subject that best fits your needs to see a list of available journals.  Tip: click the > arrow next to a subject to see related subtopics!

Journal subject list


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