Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: Jun 06, 2023     Views: 4270

NOTE:  If you need a lot of articles, it's best to use the article databases for your topic, rather than searching one journal at a time.  Click here to learn the best way to search for articles in our library.


When you want to find a specific journal, magazine or newspaper, the library's Journal Titles search is the place to go.

1.  On the library's homepage, find and click the Journal Titles tab.

click to view larger


2.  Enter the periodical title (that is, the journal magazine or newspaper title -- not the article title) and click "search."   In every style, the periodical title is listed after the article title.  The periodical title will be the second title that you see.   See the example below:


3.  If the periodical you need is available in one of our databases, you will see it listed in the search results with an Available Online link.  

Periodical in Primo search results

4.  Click the journal title.  Then, scroll down to "view online" to see the database(s) that hold issues of the journal. Take note of the date(s) listed -- that will indicate how far back each database's coverage goes.

full text links


5. Click a database link that includes the dates that you need.  It will take you to the available issues within a database, where you can browse by date or search by keyword, author or article title. 


See also:


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