As you are collecting resources for your projects, you might be wondering if there are any convenient ways to save them, create citations, and format bibliographies. There are a wide variety of options available and your choice will depend on defining your end goal.
Saving Search Results: Some databases will let you create an account and can save stuff for you, but each one works differently. Here is an FAQ that describes these options.
Citation Generator: A citation generator will use the metadata for a book, journal article, or whatever, to create a citation in the style guide of your choosing. Many of our databases will do this for you.
Bibliography Creation: These tools are useful when you are writing a paper because you can use them in tandem with your word processor to insert references into your writing and automatically create a bibliography - all formatted in the style of your choosing. One example is ZoteroBib, but there are many others. (Did you know you can do this in Word?)
Reference Managers (aka Citation Management Tools): These products save references for you and often even save a copy of the resource (i.e., as a PDF). Learning how to use one of these tools is a little more time consuming, but it can be really be beneficial because you can use it throughout your entire degree program. Reference managers often let you add notes to a reference, search your library of references, and share your collections with your colleagues, which is helpful if you are working on a group project. You can also use them to create bibliographies. Explore reference managers.