Answered By: Priscilla Coulter
Last Updated: Sep 30, 2024     Views: 5752

Most databases offer a "cite" feature that will quickly generate a rough citation for you.  Instructions for a few of our most popular search options follow.

IMPORTANT:  Always double-check auto-generated citations against the examples in the appropriate style guide While database auto-cite features are a good time-saving tool, errors are common (capitalization, punctuation, date, etc.).  You'll need to fix those errosr by hand!


Primo Click the item you would like to cite, then look for the citation option. Choose your citation style, then copy the citation and paste it into your document.  See a short video here!

Citation generator in Primo


Note:  using the citation information from an individual database resource may include the proxy in the URL,  please be sure to check this link  Which URL do I need to include in my citation? for some tips!


EBSCO:  Click the article (or book) title in the database.  This will take you to the source's "record" in the database.  On the left side of the record screen, click "Cite."  A list of citations will pop up in the center of the screen (scroll down to find the style that you need).  Highlight the citation, then copy/paste it where needed.

Citation generator in EBSCO


ProQuest:  Click the article (or book) title in the database.  This will take you to the source's "record" in the database.  On the left side of the record screen, click "Cite."  A list of citations will pop up in the center of the screen (use the "Citation style" drop-down menu to change the style (to MLA, Chicago, etc.), if needed).  Highlight the citation, then copy/paste it where needed.

Citation generator in ProQuest

Note:  ProQuest database links may have dashes in the URL which can cause an issue when accessing the link later.   To fix this, just change the dashes to periods. 


See also: 


writing tutor

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