Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: Jul 29, 2022     Views: 28736

Persistent links are a big help when you are citing your sources, or sharing articles and books in discussion forums.  The steps to find a permalink will vary with the database that you are searching.  Below, find instructions for two of our biggest individual database platforms, EBSCOhost and ProQuest.

Faculty:  Please contact the Electronic Course Materials team ( to obtain permanent links to readings for your classroom.


1.  Click the title of the article or book that you want to link to.

2.  Look on the right side of the record for a list of options for "Permalink" and click it.  A pop-up window will display the correct URL for the article, which you can copy and paste where you need it (see copy/paste instructions here).

Permalink in EBSCO article record


Note:  when you click the permalink, you may be prompted to log in.  Your AMU/APU id and password should work. Click here if you have problems.



1.  Click the Abstract/Details link beneath the article in your search results.  Or, if you are viewing the article, look for a tab by the same name above the article's text.   See screen captures below.

2.  Scroll down to the Document URL.

3.  Use your cursor to highlight the URL and then copy it.  You can then paste the URL where you need it (see copy/paste instructions here).

Note:  when you click the permalink, you may be prompted to log in.  Your AMU/APU id and password should work. Click here if you have problems.

ProQuest article Abstract/Details link

ProQuest article permalink

Note:  ProQuest database links need some additional editing in order to function properly.  Replace the dashes in the highlighted example below with periods.

  • Example:
  • Corrected:


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