Answered By: Priscilla Coulter
Last Updated: Jul 20, 2022     Views: 707

First, make sure that you limit your database searches to full text (find instructions here), so that all articles in your search results are available to read, download or print.

Then, when you see an article that is a good fit for your research, click its "full text" link. 

  • Full text links may be PDF or HTML.  If an article has both, then choose PDF (it will retain original page numbers and graphics).  But, if an HTML copy is the only option no worries.  It will still give you the same content.

Example from an EBSCO database (click image to view larger):

In an HTML article, look for "Save" or "Print" options and click them. 

Example from an EBSCO database (click image to view larger):

In a PDF article, look along the top for print and download icons.

Example from an EBSCO database (click image to view larger):


To save or download PDF articles from the library, you will need the free Adobe Acrobat reader on your computer or device.  If you have problems viewing a PDF file, click here for troubleshooting tips.


See also:  How do I download library ebooks to read offline?

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