Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: Oct 05, 2022     Views: 567

Update: 05 May 2022 - This issue should now be resolved, but if you continue to experience this error, please try the following:

If you encounter runtime errors when searching EBSCO databases, please try the following:

First, we suggest clearing your browser's cache.

Next, check EBSCO's browser requirements:

If you still get a "connection refused" error message or a runtime error, please try opening the EBSCO link in a new private (Firefox) or incognito (Chrome) window.  


Still, having Issues?

Contact the library if you have questions or continue to experience problems.

  • If the material is for Classroom use, please contact Course Materials:
  • For technical help (i.e., is your browser current?) please contact Classroom Support:
    Phone: 877-755-2787
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