Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: Aug 23, 2023     Views: 5013

When you experience problems logging in to the library or viewing its subscription resources, librarians will often tell you to clear your cache.  Why?  Each time you visit a webpage, your browser stores information about it so that the page will load more quickly the next time you visit.  But, sometimes cached information becomes outdated, and may interfere with a page's function.   So, a good first step to solving many technical problems is to clear the cache. Instructions for different browsers are linked below.

Please note:

  • When you clear your cache, your browser will allow you to specify a time range. Most have best results when they choose to delete cache for "all time" or "everything". 
  • You may also find it helpful to clear cookies and, in some cases, your browsing history.  Those options should be available when you clear your cache.

Chrome: Clear cache & cookies

Edge:  View and delete your browsing history

Firefox: How to clear the cache

Internet Explorer: View and delete your browsing history

Safari: Clear your browsing history

Once you've cleared your browser's cache, close the browser entirely (making sure that all windows are closed).  Some find that they need to completely restart their computer.  Then, launch a new browser session and try again.

If clearing your cache doesn't work, or you see a "bad request" error, you might try:

Forcing your browser to refresh:

  • Chrome on Windows: Ctrl + F5
  • Chrome on Mac: Command + Shift + R
  • Firefox on Windows: Ctrl + F5
  • Firefox on Mac: Command + Shift + R
  • Safari: Command + Option + R
  • Microsoft Edge: Ctrl + F5

Flushing your DNS:

If these suggestions do not help with your library technical problem, please see the rest of our basic troubleshooting steps. 

Request Entity Too Large error

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