Answered By: Priscilla Coulter
Last Updated: Aug 09, 2022     Views: 14302

Most ebooks will have a "search within" or "search this book" feature that will allow you to jump to each mention of your specific topic, saving you a lot of time!  Remember that our library's ebooks come from a variety of different vendors, so each may look a bit different.  Two examples are illustrated below:

In ProQuest Ebook Central, look for the "search within ebook" box and type in the words you would like to find. Read more here.

Screen capture of a ProQuest ebook with notations on using the "search within book" feature


In EBSCO eBooks, click "search within" and use the search box to find words or short phrases. Read more here.

Screen capture of an EBSCO ebook with notations on using "search within"


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