Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: Apr 18, 2023     Views: 5609

The APUS End of Program Assessment Manual for Graduate Studies (aka the EOP Manual) explains the procedure as follows:

Submission of Final Thesis
The last step in the thesis project is to submit the final manuscript to the digital archive. This is done by the program director and NOT the student.
All thesis capstone papers are retained in an archive. The program director must submit the student’s paper within one month of the course completion date. The student is responsible for ensuring that all spelling, grammar, citations, etc. are correct and appropriate. Instructor feedback comments should not appear in the final version submitted to the archive. The student’s paper will be checked using plagiarism detection software before submission.


For more details, please read Chapter X: University Declarations and Archiving in the EOP Manual.


Note: the capstone/thesis archive is managed by APUS Graduate Studies. If you have questions about this process, please contact

See also: Will my thesis/capstone paper be posted on the APUS Trefry Archives website?



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