Answered By: Priscilla Coulter
Last Updated: Mar 16, 2022     Views: 102

The APUS Richard G. Trefry Library subscribes to collections of journals, ebooks, video and more from database vendors (like EBSCOhost and ProQuest).  Librarians choose the collections to support all of the degree programs at AMU and APU, so you'll find that a wide variety of subjects and time periods are covered.  

When you are researching topics related to history, identity or social justice (such as race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, feminism, etc.), you may find terms that are unacceptable by modern standards.  Recent publications are more likely to use bias-free or inclusive language, but, as you read older and older sources, you are more likely to encounter terms that would now be considered insensitive, derogatory or dehumanizing.

For example:

  • Article or book authors may use such words as examples from the past.  Or, if you are reading work that was published decades ago, you may see those terms used more freely.
  • News articles may quote someone using offensive language in an interview.
  • Similarly, speakers in video or audio interviews may use offensive terms.
  • Primary sources, such as letters or diaries, particularly from historic eras, may include offensive terms.
  • Database subject terms may include outdated terms, which may be kept in order to aid discoverability.  Most databases strive to include updated terms as well, in order to reflect modern culture.

The library makes historical and credible news materials available for researchers who may need to study them, and they are presented in their original words in order to preserve their context and discoverability.

However, the APUS librarians recognize that it can be upsetting to encounter offensive language.  We do not endorse offensive, oppressive or prejudiced language or attitudes, and will actively exclude modern publications that actively perpetuate hate.  If you encounter what you believe to be a deliberately harmful publication in our collections, please let us know:

EDI, DEI, DEIB, diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, derogatory, slur

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