Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: Jun 05, 2023     Views: 4303

In Primo, use the filters on the left side of the results page, after you've launched a search. You can sort your results by date, or use the publication date filter to select a specific date range.


You'll also find publication date filters in the Advanced Search options. 

Date options in Primo's advanced search.


Most of our library's individual databases will also allow you to limit your search by date.  Limiting options are usually located beneath the search box (if you don't see it on the basic search page, look for an advanced search link), and are often found on the results page as well.

See screenshots from EBSCO and ProQuest below (click thumbnails to view larger): 




search page:   advanced search page:
EBSCO date limit - search page   ProQuest date limit - search page
results page:   results page:
EBSCO date limit - results page   ProQuest date limits - results page




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