Answered By: Priscilla Coulter
Last Updated: Oct 07, 2022     Views: 6477

EBSCOhost is one of our most popular database vendors, supplying more than a dozen powerful databases full of citations and full text to hundreds of thousands of articles....and ebooks as well. 

Creating a free personal EBSCOhost account will allow you to use personalized features like:

  • Download/check out ebooks
  • Store and organize your research with folders
  • Share your folders with others
  • Save and retrieve your search history
  • Create email alerts and/or RSS feeds

1. Access EBSCOhost Database Suite from the link on the library's A to Z database list.

2. Click the Sign in  toward the top right of the page. 


3. Then, follow the instructions here: How to Create and Manage a My EBSCOhost Account


  • Items in your personal EBSCOhost folder will automatically be discarded if you have not logged into the folder for an 18 month period.
  • If you have created more than one account, you can merge them.  Click here to learn how.
  • If you have questions about using your My EBSCOhost account, please visit EBSCO Support.
  • See also:  How to use the MyEBSCO folder



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