Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: Jun 06, 2023     Views: 842

Our library subscribes to many (but not all) journals within the Taylor & Francis Online database, which houses the Strategic, Defense & Security Studies Collection & Archive Collection.

To be sure you're accessing our library's subscriptions:

1.   Access the library website from the link in your classroom.

2.  Click the Databases: A to Z link beneath the big Everything search box (in the center of the library homepage)

3.  Click T, then Taylor & Francis Online: Strategic, Defence & Security Studies Collection & Archive Collection

4.  Enter your keywords on the database homepage and launch your search.

5.  On the left side of the results page, check the "Only content I have full access to" radio button.  Your results will reload, and all articles should now be available for you to read and download.


Taylor & Francis full text limit


If you find an article in Taylor & Francis Online for which there is no full-text available, this means that the journal is not included in our subscription. However, we may have access to the full-text through another database. Click here to learn how to check!

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