Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: Jul 08, 2024     Views: 1713

Law reviews are scholarly publications that are often edited by law students in conjunction with faculty members. They may contain lengthy articles and also shorter essays by professors and lawyers, as well as comments, notes, or developments in the law written by students. Law review articles often focus on new or emerging areas of law and they can offer more critical commentary than a legal encyclopedia.They are a great secondary source for legal research, valuable for the depth in which they analyze and critique legal topics, as well as their extensive references to other sources, including primary sources.

To find a law review article using Nexis Uni, first enter the library through the link in your classroom. Select Nexis Uni from the A-Z Databases link under the main search box on the library's homepage. 

Once inside Nexis Uni: 

1. Select the Legal tab along the top of the page.

2. Beneath Content Type, click Law Reviews & Journals. On that screen, you can search for reviews by keyword, citation, date and more.


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