Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: Jun 13, 2023     Views: 749

To access CINAHL, enter the library through the link in your classroom. Select CINAHL Complete from the A-Z Databases link under the main search box on the library's homepage.

CINAHL is a database for nursing and allied health journal literature. Use this database when the nursing and allied health perspectives on medicine are needed on medical topics.

The database primarily indexes scholarly and peer-reviewed journals, along with publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association. It includes full-text and links to full-text available from other sources in the library.  Many of the articles available through CINAHL are journals especially for nurses, with articles written by nurses.  

Limits are available for article type, including meta-synthesis and care plans, and nurse authored papers. The database is important for students in the School of Health Sciences, particularly nursing. When a comprehensive literature search is needed of the medical literature, the database PubMed should also be searched. 

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