Answered By: APUS Librarians
Last Updated: Dec 23, 2024     Views: 116641

The Bluebook citation style guide requires the use of small caps in some of its entries.


Regular versus small caps font

Bluebook examples

There are two ways to change regular font to small caps font: Taskbar and Keyboard.

Using the Taskbar

  1. To create small caps font, type the text first. Be sure the first letter of the text is capitalized.
  2. Highlight the section of text to be changed to small caps.
  3. Click to open the Font Taskbar.

    Font Taskbar in Word
  4. Select the Small caps option from the Effects menu. Click OK button.

    Small Caps option in Word


Using the Keyboard

  1. To create small caps font, type the text first. Be sure the first letter of the text is capitalized.
  2. Highlight the section of text to be changed to small caps.
  3. On the keyboard, press Ctl+Shift+K.

For instructions for Microsoft Word 2007 and PowerPoint 2007, see this Microsoft Office support page.

NOTE:  Citation managers—such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, and Refworks—do not always capture the small caps when exporting a citation. Be sure to double-check your reference entries!



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